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Oral Microbiome Findings Challenge Dentistry Dogma
Written by Kristina Campbell of Nature Outlooks
Complex microbial communities in the mouth clarify the causes of, and provide new treatments for, dental disease. The bacterium Streptococcus mutans was first implicated in causing dental caries in 1924, when an English dentist named...
Fabulous Facts About Fermentation and Your Gut Health
Written by American College of Healthcare Science
Walk through a supermarket or flip through a health magazine—it’s hard to miss advertisements praising the benefits of probiotics or the “good” bacteria. These bacteria naturally reside in your intestines and help to produce nutrients, promote healthy digestion...
10 Surprising Benefits of Soaking in Sunlight for 15 minutes Daily
Written by Health Shots Self Care 
If you think sunbathing is a sheer waste of time, then you are sadly mistaken. FYI, it has more benefits than you could ever imagine. When was the last time you basked in sunlight? And FYI, we aren’t referring to the scorching summer heat. Looks like it’s hard to recall ...
In The News
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  • Save Thousands From the Dentist with This Simple Step
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